Blood tracks from the countryside to the large urban centers
violence as a form of expression in the novels Assim na terra como embaixo da terra, by Ana Paula Maia and Gog Magog, by Patrícia Melo
Violence, Ana Paula Maia, Patrícia Melo, Brutalist Literature, IntertextualityAbstract
This article aims to investigate the relation between the novels Assim na terra como embaixo da terra (2017), by Ana Paula Maia and Gog Magog (2017), by Patrícia Melo through the perspective of the manifestation of violence in contemporary Brazilian society. In addition, it is also intended to explore the relation of these works with the context of emergence and consolidation of the brutalist genre in national literature, thus arriving at the contribution of the two authors to update this scenario, very popular among readers. As theoretical support to the analysis, the contributions of the following authors will be used: Antonio Candido [1987] (1989), Alfredo Bosi (2015) and Karl Erik Schollhamer (2009) related to the cataloging and discussion of the genre; Byung-Chul Han [2011] (2017), Jaime Ginzburg (2017) and Slavoj Zizek [2008] (2014) in addressing the issue of violence and, for a better understanding of the relations established between the literary texts, the work of Tiphaine Samoyault, Intertextuality [2001] (2008).
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