“Everything is and is not” between sertão and gerais rosianos


  • Edinilia Nascimento Cruz Instituto Federal do Norte de Minas Gerais




gerais, hinterland, Corpo de baile


This article seeks to analyze the forms of tensions and distensions in the significant relationship of approximation and detachment between the hinterland and the rosianos gerais, starting from Corpo de baile (1956). In this book, composed by seven narratives, the process of elaboration of the fictional space appears in a diffuse manner, generating specificities that replace the representations of the space that was structured through the impossibility of setting limits between them. We will discuss the hinterland as a mobile system, the central setting of rosiana work, and its deployment in gerais and paths, fundamental categories in the construction of the narrative and in the delimitations of the singularities of the traveling characters. In rosianos texts, the construction of space is placed in a constant process of resignification and appears as places that are paradoxically inside and outside the map. Based on this problematization, we propose to investigate how the manifestations of similarities and differences configure themselves in these polysemic spaces.


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