Rodolfo Teófilo’s A fome: naturalistic voice, romantic breath


  • João Luiz Xavier Castaldi Universidade de São Paulo



Rodolfo Teófilo, A fome, naturalism, romanticism


This work intends to demonstrate some peculiarities of the novel A fome, written by the Brazilian author Rodolfo Teófilo in 1890. Although it is usually associated with the Naturalistic School (and even a precursor of the 1930’s Neorealism), we see features that clash with this movement, and in a certain way bring the book closer to the romantic narrative that developed in Brazil in the previous decades. Furthermore, our work tries to investigate the possible relations between the author’s stylistic choices in this novel and his more objective interventions in the society in which he lived, in order to find out what it would be, in Teófilo’s vision, the mission of an intellectual in the Ceará region at the end of the 19th century.


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