A Writer’s Library

The Library of Murilo Mendes


  • Júlio Castañon Guimarães Fundação Casa Rui Barbosa




formation of the writer’s library, library features, relations with the writer’s production


This article focuses on some questions related to a writer’s library, taking as object the library that belonged to Murilo Mendes. This library is deposited in the Museu de Arte Murilo Mendes at the Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Some elements inform that it is not the library in its entirety as when in the possession of the writer. As for its formation, it is only possible to raise a few hypotheses. However, it is possible to establish clear relationships between different sectors of the library and the literary production of the writer, as in the case of many authors, some of whom are referred to in this article. It is mainly these relationships that are of interest to this article and become its main object.


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