Interaction and Multimodality on Instragram
A Study of Language in the Digital Environment
linguistic interactions, digital environment, technological resources, social networksAbstract
The present text brings discussions related to linguistic interactions in a digital environment. Particularly, this study reinforces that the appropriation of technological resources requires specific skills of reading practices in the computerized universe. To discuss this, we use as bibliographical reference authors such as Lévy (1999), who discusses cyberculture; Ribeiro (2009), with discussions on digital literacy; Kleiman (2014), about heterogeneous and dynamic language present in the virtual context in addition to Rojo (2013), Kress (2003, 2010), Kress, Leite-Garcia e Van Leeuwen (2000) with studies on multimodality field. We also mention debates about Applied Linguistics and interactivity and, finally, we present the description of a webpage Instagram seeking to expand the debate about linguistic interactions in the digital environment through social networks.
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