Shale Gas in Brazil and in the world
perspectives and paradoxes of the energetic development
Shale gas, Energy, Sustainable developmentAbstract
This research intends to present shale gas as a resource responsible for promoting an energy revolution on the global stage. In order to do so, we sought to raise general views on the Right to Energy and non-conventional gas - establishing technical characteristics related to the exploration activity. From then on, the scenarios of the “shale revolutions”, especially in the United States of America and China, have been delineated - using gas as a means of satisfying the principle of the efficiency of energy emancipation. Overcoming geopolitical issues, the study has also been concerned with presenting the environmental impacts that unconventional gas exploration can cause. Finally, using the hypothetical-deductive method and the bibliographical research, the paper proposes to question whether the energy revolution by shale gas is compatible with the paradigms of sustainability and the dignity of the human person - and which are the ways to solve the obstacle that is outlined on a global scale.
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