Imagination and intelligence
appropriation, hybridisms, realities and artificial intelligence in an artistic exhibition
digital arts, artificial intelligence, curation, art exposition, metaverseAbstract
This article aims to present the AI.MAGINATION exhibition, which opened on April 10, 2023. The exhibition was held by LabFront, a research, development, and innovation group that operates on the borders between art, science, and technology. AI.MAGINATION is a curatorial digital exhibition that explores the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the field of digital arts. The exhibition concept was developed at the intersection between disciplines offered, during the second half of 2022, in the graduation in arts at Escola Guignard (UEMG), resulting from research. The exhibition comprises works by beginning and established artists with national/international performance and their poetic productions that use AI. Curation is also an experience built with AI and designed in an online, 3D environment connected to blockchain networks. Thus, this article presents an understanding of the widespread use of Artificial Intelligence in art.
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