[Call for (in)submissions] Special Dossier #4 - From the critique of the property apparatus to the bet on the common: bodies, colonialities, worlds (1/2022)


Receipt of works in the form of papers, essays, literary texts and images that reflect on the theme, until May 31, 2022.

In the history of modernity, there is perhaps no political category that has influenced the social constitution which such predominance as that of property. Property is revealed as a true apparatus, not only limited to the constitution of economy, politics and law, but also operating in the shaping of an individualistic perception of the world and in the molding of proprietary subjects and identies. If the apparatus, as Foucault and Agamben (and before them, Heidegger) theorized, is a complex mechanism of subjectivation and desubjetivation in which legal and economic institutions, administrative decisions and architetural models, philosophical doctrines and linguistic constructions are involved…in short, a whole set of information and materialities capable of defining human behavior, we can say that property, and more specifically modern private property, is by all means a biopolitical apparatus.

Conceived since Christian subjectivism, propelled by the theological and jusphilosophical theories that attempted to justify the taking of land and bodies - black, indigenous and female - in the colonizing ventures (which were the great sources of accumulation necessary to the rising capitalism), and vested with the efficient Protestant ethics (which charged the individual with the daily accomplishment of God's work on Earth, through work and acquisition), property was consolidated as a paradigmatic model of the relations between human beings and goods. This apparatus – which revelead in liberal and legal-exegetical thought the apex of its force in the concept of the domain of oneself in the form of the person – is rationally justified by the labor. Therefore, property, which logically would be linked to the material dimension of the world, leaves the realm of the mere thing and inhabits human subjectivity, its processes of introspection and externalization of the self.

Given this complex apparatus in which language, law and subject are entangled in a kind of “ball of thread” that is difficult to untangle, critical thinking is faced with the enormous challenge of trying to profane this almost “improfanable".  Nevertheless, the vice of understanding private property as the only possible way to materially enjoy the world is recent, rooted in a very modern conception (capitalist and colonial) that universalizes this proprietary modus operandi. It is a worldview that for half a millennium has been corroding the world, nature, and its inhabitants through a logic that, by replacing being with having, machinizes and undermines singular existences, assigning them to productivity, exploitation, and endless consumption.

In this regard, the search for other narratives - historic, philosophical, political and legal, economic, literary, artistic - as well as for other experiences that challenge the logic of property is something that is now urgent. The common use of the land and its resources by local and traditional communities (riparian people, people who lives in faxinais, Indigenous People, quilombolas, caiçaras…), as well as the common use in the practices of urban (Ocupação Izidora, Espaço Comum Luiz Estrela, MTST, ZAD’s...) and rural occupations (MST, Somonte...) are without a doubt historical fissures that might open our thinking to other ways of relating to material goods, to nature, and to the world.

Therefore, invested with this destructive character that drive us to think and to strain as much as possible what was imposed on us as the “real”, the “normal”, the “given” and “only” possibility of existence, we, the pickers of (des)troços, invite you all to contribute to the issue 4 of the journal. The theme of this issue is the critique of the property in its various perspectives (philosophical, political and legal, economic, linguistic, theological, etc.), as well as the approach to other possibilities – such as the use and the common – of non-proprietary ways of relating to goods, to ourselves, to others, to bodies and to the world. Thus, (des)troços launches this invitation to another troços throwing event in the form of papers, essays, literary texts and images (painting, drawing, photography etc.), that reflect on the theme From the critique of the property apparatus to the bet on the common: bodies, colonialities, worlds and its variations, considering their history, tensions, disputes, experiences, practices, critiques, challenges, etc.

We also emphasize that, in addition to this thematic dossier, the journal (des)troços continously receives submissions of general character that are linked to radical thought and to the editorial line of the journal, as described in: https://destrocosrevista.wordpress.com/sobre-a-revista/. The submissions should be sent through the OJS system, respecting the rules of submission in the case of texts (https://destrocosrevista.wordpress.com/submissoes-submissions/) until May 31, 2022. The title requirements do not apply to image authors, whose contributions will be solely evaluated by the editorial board. The submissions in the form of texts will be evaluated by the editorial committee and through the double blind review system. Once approved, texts and images will be published in the fourth issue of the journal, expected to be released in June 2022.

Communize your troços and help us to make this issue an inappropriable experience!