Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Dossiê : Artes e Arquitetura em conexões atlânticas: impressões, desafios e pesquisas na modernidade.
Artigos Dossiê Temático

O ciclo pictórico do teto da Sacristia da igreja do Colégio dos Jesuítas da Bahia

Belinda Maria de Almeida Neves
Universidade Federal da Bahia

Published 2022-06-18


  • Barroco,
  • Companhia de Jesus,
  • Colégio da Bahia,
  • Arte Colonial

How to Cite

Maria de Almeida Neves, B. (2022). O ciclo pictórico do teto da Sacristia da igreja do Colégio dos Jesuítas da Bahia. Perspectiva Pictorum, 1(1), 228–246. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/revistaperspectivapictorum/article/view/37447



This research addresses the iconography and iconology at the sacristy in the church of the jesuits in Salvador, Bahia, XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries, baroque period. In this ceiling 21 panels of jesuit martyrs and confessors of catholic faith are portrayed, belonging to the four continents where the Societas Jesu acted. With the analysis and interpretation made in layers, it was observed that are present, and in constant dialogue, the religiosity, the faith, the art and the science. Astronomy, mathematic, moods and temperaments, poetry, music, astrology and alchemy are highlighted, relevant topics and in consonance with the XVIIth century. In the center of this program is the panel of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, flanked by four other panels of Jesuits Saint Francisco Xavier, Saint Francisco de Borja, Saint Stanislaw Kostka and Saint Luis Gonzaga, forming a greek cross. In the group are four representations of Orpheus enchanting the animals with lutes and violins, along with a significant zoomorphic contingent of species from the american continent. Among birds and mammals there are 46 animals portrayed and the repertory encompasses the toucan, the ounce, the guara, the Orinoco’s goose, the prairie dog, the stork, the swallow, the monkey, among others. The myth of Orpheus became popular due to the work of poet Ovid (43 a.C – 18 d.C) entitled Metamorphoses. In Book X and XI of the work, Orpheus enchants the beasts and transform them through his music. We analyzed the metaphor of enchantment and established the possible relations between the myth of Orpheus, Jesus Christ, the jesuitical missions and the transformation of the colonial gentile by the christian doctrine and the education.

Key-words: Baroque; Church of the Jesuits in Bahia. Society of Jesus.


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