Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Dossiê: A História da Arte e a construção ilusionista na modernidade barroca: História, Ciência e Técnica.
Artigos Livres (fluxo contínuo)

Corpo: uma partilha reflexiva que atravessa a Arte e a Arquitetura

Yasmin Elganim Vieira
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Published 2023-02-02


  • Corpo,
  • Espaço,
  • Merleau-Ponty,
  • Nancy,
  • Escultura

How to Cite

Elganim Vieira, Y. (2023). Corpo: uma partilha reflexiva que atravessa a Arte e a Arquitetura. Perspectiva Pictorum, 1(2), 61–77. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/revistaperspectivapictorum/article/view/38593


In a scintillating way, the article proposes a reflection on the body, a common and central point that crosses the discussion of art and architecture. With no desire to propose a classification for the body, some of its sensitive and concomitant structures and properties are demonstrated: being openness, being skin, being spatial and being movement. These developments follow from the writings of theories of corporeity from Maurice Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology and from Jean-Luc Nancy's deconstructivism, and from the analysis of the representation of the body in modern sculptures by Giacometti, Rodin and Brancusi. Juxtaposed weave together a sensitivity of issues that allows for the fostering of the notion of the body in a situation. Here, philosophy and art are presented as a theoretical and critical landscape for the discipline of architecture and, with this notion, reveal a fundamental question for the architectural discussion: space as a living, mobile and fleeting process.



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