Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Dossiê: A História da Arte e a construção ilusionista na modernidade barroca: História, Ciência e Técnica.
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Descartes: A superação das tensões do Barroco: A SUPERAÇÃO DAS TENSÕES DO BARROCO

Wantuil Miguel de Barcelos

Published 2023-02-02


  • Barroco, arte, literatura, figuras de linguagem, Cogito, razão, emoção, dicotomia, método científico, ciência.

How to Cite

Miguel de Barcelos, W. . (2023). Descartes: A superação das tensões do Barroco: A SUPERAÇÃO DAS TENSÕES DO BARROCO. Perspectiva Pictorum, 1(2), 8–23. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/revistaperspectivapictorum/article/view/42439




The purpose of this research is to demonstrate how the philosophic theory, grounded on the scientific method of René Descartes, contributed to solve the dichotomies (light x dark, good x evil, transitory x eternal), based on the figures of speech (metaphors, hyperbole, paradox, antithesis), used to cause an emotional impact on men, as a catharsis, especially for the strengthening of Catholic faith; existents in the composition and production of arts, with more specificity in literature, in the Baroque period. In using the literature, visual arts and philosophy as analytic tools, intend to contribute to put a spotlight on the Baroque, and in this way, to reveal important aspects of this period style, which left its mark on the history of art of the Western civilization.


Keywords: Barroco; art, literature; figures of speech; Cogito, reason; emotion, dichotomy, scientific method.


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  3. CARVALHO, Márcio, Aleijadinho, Mestre do Barroco. São Paulo: Queen Books, 2016.
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