Oswaldo de Souza (1904-1995)

his compositional process and Art songs aligned with the precepts of the Modern Art Week movement of 1922)





Oswaldo de Souza, Brazilian Art-song, Modern Art Week movement of 1922


This study presents a panoramic view of the life and work of the Brazilian composer Oswaldo de Souza, through the exposure of the social and cultural geophysical spectrum in the genesis of his Art songs. It aims to promote the dissemination of his compositions, highlighting their link, as Brazilian chamber songs, with the precepts recommended in the well-known Semana de Arte Moderna (Modern Art Week movement of 1922), in which a new vision of artistic processes defended Brazilianness in our national art.


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Author Biography

John Kennedy Pereira de Castro, Staty University of Maringá, Paraná (Brazil) (UEM)

Born in the district of Quixariú, in the municipality of Campos Sales - CE. He graduated in Science from the State University of Feira de Santana (UEFS) in 1988. That same year, he began his singing studies in the class of Professors David W. Hodges and Elizete do Amaral Galvão Santos in Recife, where he completed a degree in Music - Qualification: Bachelor of Sacred Music, at the Baptist Theological Seminary of Northern Brazil (1993). In 1995, he joined the singing class of Prof. Maria de Fátima de Brito (in memoriam), at the Federal University of Alagoas, from whom he received the first foundations for the interpretation of Brazilian Chamber Song and Lied. He has a degree in Music - Bachelor of Singing from the School of Music and Fine Arts of Paraná - EMBAP, where he was supervised by the renowned teacher and lyric singer Denise Sartori. She has a Specialization in Performance - Singing from the School of Music and Fine Arts of Paraná - EMBAP. Master in Music from the School of Communication and Arts - ECA in the Music Program at the University of São Paulo (USP), where he was supervised by Prof. Dr. Marco Antonio da Silva Ramos. PhD in Music from the School of Music of the Federal University of Minas Gerais - UFMG, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Luciana Monteiro de Castro Silva Dutra. Since 2012, he has been working in an artistic duo with pianist and Professor Cinthia Ruivo da Silva, called Duo Castro Ruivo. He is a professor on the permanent staff of the Graduate Program in Music (Master's) - PMU at UEM. He has experience in the area of Arts, Music, with an emphasis on Singing, working mainly on the following subjects: pedagogy of lyrical and artistic singing, vocal technique and interpretation of vocal repertoire with an emphasis on Brazilian chamber song, foreign chamber song and opera.


- Livro

GALVÃO, Cláudio Augusto Pinto. Oswaldo de Souza:o canto do nordeste. Rio de Janeiro – RJ: FUNARTE, 1988.

- Dissertações ou Teses

CASTRO, John Kennedy Pereira de. Paisagismo musical do nordeste brasileiro em quatro canções de Oswaldo de Souza: uma abordagem analítico-interpretativa. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Departamento de Música/Escola de Comunicações e Artes / USP. São Paulo: J. K. P. de Castro, 169 p + Anexo, 2010.

DUTRA, Luciana Monteiro de Castro Silva. 2009. Traduções da Lírica de Manuel Bandeira na Canção de Câmara de Helza Camêu. Tese (Doutorado em Estudos Literários – Literatura Comparada) Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG, Faculdade de Letras, xiii, 227f.

- Artigo em Periódico

CRISTÓFARO SILVA, T. Algumas questões representacionais...PerMusi, Belo Horizonte, n.15, 2007, p. 26-34.

HERR, Martha. Um modelo para interpretação de canção brasileira nas visões de Mário de Andrade e Oswaldo de Souza.Música Hodie, vol. 4, nº 2, p. 27 - 38, 2004.

NATTIEZ, Jean-Jacques. 2004. Etnomusicologia e Significações Musicais. Per Musi, n.10, p.5-30, Belo Horizonte.

- Entrevista

CASTRO, John Kennedy Pereira de. Entrevista de Fátima de Brito entre 1º a 5 de junho de 2009. Maceió. Áudio. Residência da entrevistada.

- Trabalho em Anais de Evento

NOGUEIRA, Ilza. A linguagem musical de Oswaldo de Souza: uma análise da relação texto-música. Artigo apresentado no SIMPÓSIO DA SOCIEDADE INTERNACIONAL DE MUSICOLOGIA EM MELBOURNE – Austrália, 2004.

- Trabalhos publicados online

BATISTA, Evenise Ferreira Magalhães.Regionalismo em Vidas Secas. Diário do Nordeste. Caderno 3, 2008. <http://diariodonordeste.verdesmares.com.br/cadernos/caderno-3/regionalismo-em-vidas-secas-1.707656) />. Acessado em 10 de jul. de 2023.

MELO, Priscila. Literatura de cordel. R7 Educação: 2014. Disponível em: <http://www.estudopratico.com.br/literatura-de-cordel/>. Acessado em 15 de mar. de 2016.



How to Cite

Castro, J. K. P. de. (2023). Oswaldo de Souza (1904-1995): his compositional process and Art songs aligned with the precepts of the Modern Art Week movement of 1922). Journal of Brazilian Erudite Vocal Music, 1(1), 1–20. https://doi.org/10.35699/1.1.2023.48657


