Amin Feres (1934-2006)




Amin Feres, Madrigal Renascentista Choir, Madrigal Ouro Preto Choir, Opera in Brazil


This text provides biographical information about Amin Feres, who stood out as a bass soloist and also as a singing teacher. Born in Ressaquinha, MG, Amin Feres joined Madrigal Renascentista choir before continuing his singing studies in Germany, where he was under the guidance of Margarethe von Winterfeldt. Later, he was a contract artist at Columbia, having performed in several countries, in opera productions and symphonic concerts. Information about his career, including titles of works he performed, recordings and tributes received summarize the corpus of this document, whose objective is to celebrate the work developed by  Amin Feres as a performer and also as a teacher.


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Author Biography

Charles Roussin, Federal University of Minas Gerais (Brazil) - UFMG

Charles Roussin's first musical training was studying Classical Guitar, the instrument in which he obtained his first Bachelor's degree in Music from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, under the guidance of José Lucena Vaz and Fernando Araújo. At the same time as studying the guitar, Charles Roussin developed his studies in orchestral conducting, receiving his Master's and Bachelor's degrees in this area from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, where he was a student of Sílvio Viegas. He was also tutored by conductors Holger Kolodziej, Isaac Karabtchevsky, Osvaldo Ferreira, Roberto Tibiriçá (to whom he was assistant for two years), Ernst Schelle and Jean-Marc Burfin. In 2020 he completed his Doctorate in Orchestral Conducting at the University of Aveiro, having researched aspects of 18th century dramatic music. A significant part of this research was the edition and contemporary premiere of the work "La Pace fra la Virtù e la Bellezza", by the Neapolitan composer David Perez (1711-1778). In 2011, he became a full professor at the School of Music of the Federal University of Minas Gerais, where he works in the areas of Orchestral Conducting and Opera Studio.


- Livros

CARDOSO, Lindembergue: catálogo de obras / catalogação e elaboração dos anexos Ilza Nogueira., Lucy Cardoso. - 1. ed. - Salvador : Programa de Pós-Graduação em Música da

UFBA, 2009. 95 p. - (Marcos históricos da composição contemporânea na UFBA. Série catálogos-web; v. 2).

MARIZ, Vasco. A canção brasileira de câmara. 4.ed. Rio de Janeiro: Francisco Alves, 2002.

OSBORNE, Charles. Dicionário de ópera. Tradução de Júlio Castañon Guimarães. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Guanabara, 1987.

SANTOS, Manoel Hygino dos. Madrigal Renascentista. Belo Horizonte: FUNDAÇÃO DE ARTE MADRIGAL RENASCENTISTA, 2012.

- Memorial

FERES, Amin. Memorial (Manuscrito). Belo Horizonte: 1995, 105 f.

- Dissertação

LOPES, Robson. A afro-brasilidade na música para canto e piano no ciclo Beiramar – op. 21, de Marlos Nobre. Belo Horizonte, 2010. Dissertação. Escola de Música, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG, Belo Horizonte, 2010.



How to Cite

Roussin, C. (2023). Amin Feres (1934-2006). Journal of Brazilian Erudite Vocal Music, 1(1), 1–11.


