
between adherence and dis-adherence




Working memory, Virtual communities, Pluridisciplinarity


Human memory is a component that is universally mobilized in all forms of work, while remaining vague or segmented by scientific fields. This situation can lead to impoverished applications of the concept of memory to work situations. We propose to bring together disciplinary approaches from the cognitive and social sciences to better understand the functioning of memory by relying on the dialectic pair adherence - disadherence. To illustrate this multidisciplinary exercise, we mobilize an exploratory study of the case of French scientific and cultural communication on the YouTube platform. We argue that memory is a space where knowledge and values are reinterrogated in the choices we make daily and projected into the present and future. It is this knowledge and these values that will be able, through certain social and cognitive units and techniques, to generalize and define the memory to come in our social and digital worlds. More generally, through this exercise, we invite researchers and those involved in work situations to a form of reflexivity in action on their own conceptualizations.


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Author Biography

Théo Simon,  Laboratório História da tecnociência na sociedade (HT2S, EA 3716)

Pós-doutorando em ciência da gestão no Conservatoire national des arts et métiers em Paris, França. Atua no Laboratório História da tecnociência na sociedade (HT2S, EA 3716) e Laboratório Interdisciplinar de Pesquisa para as Ciências da Ação (LIRSA, EA 4603). Sua área de pesquisa se concentra na relação entre conhecimento, saber e ética em situações de trabalho e organizações públicas


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How to Cite

SIMON, T. Memory: between adherence and dis-adherence. Trabalho & Educação, Belo Horizonte, v. 32, n. 2, p. 11–29, 2023. DOI: 10.35699/2238-037X.2023.47935. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.

