Archeology and coloniality in the 21st century

perspectives from a museum in Piauí




Piauí, archaeology, decoloniality


Decoloniality is a new theme in Archaeology. It leads us to question theories and methods applied by the universities, by the public administration, and by the private sector. It brings us up to discuss Archaeology at a global level, where power relations built during the colonial period still have an impact on present behaviors and ideas. Thinking from the margins also means admitting that the social and historical trajectory of the State of Piauí is a meaningful place in bringing new elements to this debate. In this research, we look at the intersection of two agencies which, while they refuse to admit, have a lot in common. More particularly, we identify how the articulation between transcendental hierarchical thinking, proper to academic Archaeology, and test-pit sampling, adopted by CRM Archaeology, feed back each other to produce the remains of a past based on dense and patterned occupations. In this sense, they were optimized to identify specific contexts, compatible with a eurocentric perspective. We contrast this perspective discussing other forms of collective organization.


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How to Cite

Archeology and coloniality in the 21st century: perspectives from a museum in Piauí. (2023). Vestígios - Revista Latino-Americana De Arqueologia Histórica, 17(2), 329-358.