Time patina

mobile phones, photographic images, plasticity and contemporaryness in the archaeological context





archaeology, contemporariness, ruin, photography, art


Archaeology is often associated with the search for ancient treasures and relics or, more specifically, within its own boundaries, as a science focused on investigating the past through material culture. On the other hand, the boundaries of the discipline need to be observed more broadly. In recent years, for example, Contemporary Archaeology has emerged as a significant research direction, striving to archaeologically analyze the material fabric that surrounds the modern world in all its nuances. Thus, it is evident that the examination of such scenarios promotes relevant reflections on society, culture, art, economy and politics of our time, challenging preconceived notions about what is considered “archaeological”. This essay seeks to explore the potentiality aroused by contemporary abandonment and ruin typified in facades using mobile photography and archaeological praxis as an approach to construct meaningful insights regarding contemporary materiality. Nevertheless, the chosen media plays a crucial role in the intended discussion here, as it is not limited solely to questioning the theoretical and methodological boundaries invoked by archaeology but challenges them to conceive photographic independence in its entirety.


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How to Cite

Time patina: mobile phones, photographic images, plasticity and contemporaryness in the archaeological context. (2024). Vestígios - Revista Latino-Americana De Arqueologia Histórica, 18(2), 57-70. https://doi.org/10.31239/vtg.v18i2.49573