Archaeology of the Digital

Anthropocene and Novacene of men and androids in the electronic game Detroit: Become Human




Archaeology of the Digital, electronic game, Anthropocene, Novacene, Detroit: Become Human


This article aims to collaborate on the methodology of analysis of electronic games in digital environments under archaeological bias from “Detroit: Become Human”, launched in 2018 by the French developer Quantic Dream. The extra and intra-game archaeological landscapes will be analyzed, searching for the technofossils that corroborate the insertion of the game, as physical media, in the debate about the Anthropocene and, as digital media, in the recent hypothesis of geological dating listed by chemist and environmentalist James Lovelock named Novacene. The intention is, therefore, to present not a Digital Archaeology, but an Archaeology of the Digital, excavating and bringing to light traces that allow, at the same time, the understanding of the human use of cyber machines, as well as the representation of these machines in Programming codes written by humans.


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How to Cite

Martire, A. da S. (2022). Archaeology of the Digital: Anthropocene and Novacene of men and androids in the electronic game Detroit: Become Human. Vestígios - Revista Latino-Americana De Arqueologia Histórica, 15(1), 51–76.




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