Toward a Critical Archaeology


  • Mark P. Leone University of Maryland
  • Parker B. Potter Jr. Brown University
  • Paul A. Shackel Universidade Estadual de Nova York



Arqueología Crítica


Critical theory, essentially an effort to explore and add to Marx's insights into the nature of knowledge of human society, is increasingly being applied to the human sciences. Archaeologists are invited to consider critical theory by evidence that archaeology in some environments is used to serve political ends and by the growing controversy over the ownership and control of re- mains and interpretations of the past. The claim of a critical archaeology is that seeing the interrelationship between archaeology and politics will allow archaeologists to achieve less contingent knowledge. The way in which critical theory can be applied to archaeology is here illustrated by an analysis of data from a citywide project conducted in Annapolis, Maryland-a project aimed at demystifying the way a past is constructed.


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How to Cite

Leone, M. P., Potter Jr., P. B. ., & Shackel, P. A. (2021). Toward a Critical Archaeology. Vestígios - Revista Latino-Americana De Arqueologia Histórica, 15(2), 143–174.



Classic papers by Mark Leone (translated)