Radiographic analysis of traumatized primary teeth


  • Dione Dias Torriani Federal University of Pelotas Author
  • Elaine de Fatima Zanchin Baldisseira Federal University of Pelotas Author
  • Sílvia Aparecida Ximenes Moura Dental Surgeon Author
  • Renata da Luz Ferro Federal University of Pelotas Author
  • Marília Leão Goettems Dental Surgeon Author


Pediatric dentistry, Tooth, Deciduous, Injuries, Radiography


This study aimed to evaluate the frequency of radiographic findings in primary teeth, as well as their supporting tissues, following dental trauma, and the occurrence of sequelae according to the trauma type. One radiograph was taken soon after the trauma, and two follow-up radiographs, with approximately six- month intervals between each, were taken of 116 traumatized teeth from 65 patients at the Pelotas Dentistry School in Pelotas, Santa Catarina, Brazil. One hundred and ninety-five radiographs were analyzed to evaluate: tooth position, periodontal ligament space, root integrity, alveolar bone, and root canal aspects. Data were shown in the form of absolute and percentage frequencies. The Wilcoxon test (p<0.05) was used to detect differences in the images. The widening of the periodontal ligament and pathological root resorption, although with different evolutions, represented the most frequent findings. In the first radiograph, 35.6% of the teeth were diagnosed as presenting a widening of the periodontal ligament, as compared to 15.1% in the final radiograph. Pathological root resorption varied from 9.6% in the first radiograph to 35.8% in the final exam. Whereas alveolar bone resorption prevailed in intrusion cases and root canal obliteration in concussion/ subluxation cases, tooth displacement occurred most often in intrusion and lateral luxation/extrusion cases. Concussion, subluxation, and intrusion were the conditions which were most often associated with sequelae during this sample’s period of analysis. Radiographic sequelae resulting from alveolodental trauma in the primary dentition tend to vary. Identifying radiographic findings and relating them to the type of trauma can aid the professional in defining the prognosis and a proper treatment plan.


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