Dental teleconsulting
what are the most prevalent doubts in the surgery area?
Teledentistry, Oral surgical procedures, Primary Health CareAbstract
Aim: To analyze doubts related to dental teleconsulting sent to the Telehealth Centers of Minas Gerais, in the surgery área.
Methods: This quantitative cross-sectional study used the secondary database of the Telehealth Centers of Minas Gerais. Asynchronous dental teleconsulting in the surgery specialty, from July 2015 to July 2017, were analyzed. The variables were categorized into the type of teleconsulting doubt (diagnosis or general conduct) and areas and subareas within dental surgery. Data were descriptively analyzed using the IBM SPSS Software, version 22.0.
Results: A total of 399 teleconsulting in the surgery area were analyzed. Most teleconsulting doubts were related to general conduct (89,7%). The area with more doubts was tooth extraction (50,8%), followed by intercurrences (15,7%) and other procedures (13,2%). Within the area of tooth extraction, the most questioned subarea was comorbidities (22,8%), while in complications it was alveolitis (6,5%), and in other procedures it was frenectomy (6,5%).
Conclusion: The high frequency of doubts about surgical procedures in PHC evidences the prevalence of these procedures in primary care and the lack of preparation of dentists to conduct them properly.
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