Dentists’ attitudes regarding the importance of the assessment of the risk of caries and the adoption of preventive and control measures

analysis of the reality of public health dentistry in Barbacena-MG


  • Janice Simpson de Paula Universidade Estadual de Campinas
  • Isabel Cristina Gonçalves Leite Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
  • Sônia Sotto-Maior Fortes Garcia Rodrigues Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora


Public health, Dental carie, Prevention, Control


Oral Health Public has been expanding in Brazil in recent years. Due to this growth, a dynamic service thereby becomes necessary, with professionals directly linked to SUS (Brazilian Unified Health System), to achieve success in patient treatment. As regards caries disease, it could be observed that early risk assessment makes it possible for a better diagnosis, treatment plan, and adoption of measures for prevention and control. For this, it is necessary to understand the risk factors related to the formation of caries, be they biological, socioeconomic, environmental, and behavioral. Considering this need, the aim of the present study is to observe the reality of patient treatment within the public health dentistry sector in the city of Barbacena/MG. For this, 15 dentists from the public health dentistry sector completed a questionnaire on the risk assessment for caries and the adoption of preventive and control measures. The results suggest that the professionals consider the risk assessment for caries to be necessary, but a lack of knowledge concerning risk factors and the need for preventive measures could also be observed. In conclusion, there is a need for the continuing education of these professionals, so that they can receive a constant updating of information regarding proper patient treatments, thus allowing these professionals to concentrate more effectively on health care in such a way that their services are not limited only to technical and curative methods.



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How to Cite

Paula, J. S. de, Leite, I. C. G., & Rodrigues, S. S.-M. F. G. (2016). Dentists’ attitudes regarding the importance of the assessment of the risk of caries and the adoption of preventive and control measures: analysis of the reality of public health dentistry in Barbacena-MG. Arquivos Em Odontologia, 45(2). Retrieved from




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