Knowledge and practices in oral health of elementary school teachers from a small city in the savanna region of the state of Paraíba, Brazil


  • Michael Medeiros Costa Faculdades Integradas de Patos
  • Arthur Diego Leite Barbosa Faculdades Integradas de Patos
  • Jocianelle Maria Félix de Alencar Fernandes Universidade de Pernambuco
  • Fátima Roneiva Alves Fonseca Faculdades Integradas de Patos
  • Suyene de Oliveira Paredes Faculdades Integradas de Patos



Knowledge, Oral health, Faculty, Child rearing


Aim: This study aimed to assess teachers’ knowledge and practices in oral health in elementary schools in a small town located in the savanna regions of the state of Paraiba.

Methods: The present study applied a questionnaire   consisting   of   questions on sociodemographic conditions, key preventive measures, and oral health disorders, as well as the existence of educational activities regarding oral health in public schools. The sample was made up of the census of elementary school teachers registered in the elementary school system of the town of Desterro, Paraíba, Brazil, with a total of 61 teachers. Data was analyzed through descriptive statistics.

Results: This sample contained a significant percentage of teachers with graduate and post-graduate degrees (81.9%). With respect to the major oral health disorders, 54.3% of respondents mentioned dental caries as a pathology, showing satisfactory knowledge about the disease’s etiology. When asked about preventive measures in oral health, 95.1% of the teachers stated that the technique is the most important factor when brushing one’s teeth; however, only 16.4% reported placing the correct amount of toothpaste on the brush. A large percentage of the sample has already received information about oral health care (95.1%). Nevertheless, out of the total surveyed, just over half passed this information on to their students. Among those who did not perform this task, 41% mentioned the lack of support materials as their greatest obstacle in addressing the issue within educational institutions. Educational activities in oral health, performed by dentists, were attended by 85.2% of the teachers.

Conclusion: Despite the presence of educational and preventive activities in schools, there is a need to implement continued education programs on oral health for teachers in an attempt to better prepare them to address this issue in their classrooms.


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How to Cite

Costa, M. M., Barbosa, A. D. L., Fernandes, J. M. F. de A., Fonseca, F. R. A., & Paredes, S. de O. (2016). Knowledge and practices in oral health of elementary school teachers from a small city in the savanna region of the state of Paraíba, Brazil. Arquivos Em Odontologia, 50(4).




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