The e-sports in Brazil

The regulation and legal regime applicable to this new type of sports


  • Douglas Loureiro Centro Universitário Newton Paiva



This present study aims to address the legal aspects of the new type of sport, the electronic sports better known as e-Sports, as well as the legal regime applicable to this new category, also analyzing what concerns its regulation. Therefore, in the first chapters, we seek to explain the initial considerations of the sport and how the exponential increase in its popularity took place, alluding to how the first competitions emerged, both abroad and in Brazil. After these initial considerations, we started to understand the basic essential concepts of what characterizes a traditional sport as a traditional sport, and whether electronic sports deserve and fit in such characterization, using deductive methods ofCompared Law in countries such as Portugal, Uruguay and Peru for assistance in such classification. In the third part of this work, we analyze the questions on admissibility and whether the regulation of electronic sports at the national level through specific legislation would really be the best option, how would such regulation occur and what would be the best solution for the future of the modality in the context under analysis.


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How to Cite

Loureiro, D. (2023). The e-sports in Brazil: The regulation and legal regime applicable to this new type of sports. CAAP Journal, 27(1-2), 1–20.


