The criminal responsibility of the legal entity in cases of work in conditions analogues to slaves


  • Julia Silva da Silveira Netto Centro Universitário Newton Paiva


This article aims to expose critical aspects of the current criminal understanding that does not hold legal entities indicted for committing the crime of reducing someone to a condition analogous to slavery. As a resolution, it seeks to adopt the theory of criminal liability of the legal entity in cases of environmental crimes also in the crime of article 149of the Criminal Code. There is an urgent need for stricter rules to combat slave labor when it comes to penalizing companies, as they are currently the ones with the largest number of cases of this crime. Because, as noted above, there is no criminal liability for legal entities that commit these acts in Brazil, which can only respond civilly and administratively, routinely, through paymentof indemnity.


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How to Cite

Silva da Silveira Netto, J. (2023). The criminal responsibility of the legal entity in cases of work in conditions analogues to slaves. CAAP Journal, 27(1-2), 1–20. Retrieved from


