Crimes against sexual freedom and dignity

Virtual rape


  • Taynna Rafaella Souza Reis Centro Universitário Newton Paiva


This article deals with the crime of virtual rape that takes place in cyberspace, protected by the Brazilian Penal Code through article 213, reformulated by Law 12.015/09, in which the criminal constrains the victim, through violence or serious threat, to have carnal conjunction or to practice or allow another libidinous act to be performed with him. The methodology used to carry out the study was based on bibliographical research and the points discussed were based on doctrinal, jurisprudential and scientific papers, in order to concretize the thesis defended that the fact that the crime of rape is committed in a virtual environment does not hurt to the principle of legality. The protection of sexual freedom and dignity as a criminal legal asset, implemented by the new law, is an advance in the legal field, which started to protect people, punishing the active subject of the crime of rape, whether in a real or virtual environment.


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