The balanced urban environment and popular participation for the advent of the sustainable city




This paper presents brief considerations about Urban Law for a reflection on the Balanced Urban Environment, with special focus on popular participation for the assumption of the sustainable city. The literature review was the starting point for the interpretation of the phenomenon studied. The theme is relevant as it seeks to sensitize society by demonstrating the instruments through which the ideal of a fairer and less distant State from social problems and needs can be achieved, thus embracing the model ensured by the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil of 1988 (CRFB/88), namely that of a Democratic State of Law, which is founded on Citizenship and Democracy united for the achievement of justice and recognition of dignity in accessing systematic participation in public policies. Only by engendering the idea of Citizenship and Democracy will the citizens mobilize in favor of the implementation of the City Statute, advocating for its operation through Democratic Management.


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Author Biography

José Carlos de Souza Nascimento, Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA)

Graduated in Law from the Federal University of Pará. Licensed in Pedagogy (Nove de Julho University) and in Literature (Venda Nova do Imigrante College). Specialized in Teaching for Higher Education (Itaituba College), in Environmental Law (International University Center), and in Labor Law (International University Center). Lawyer.


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How to Cite

Nascimento, J. C. de S. (2024). The balanced urban environment and popular participation for the advent of the sustainable city. CAAP Journal, 28(2), 1–17.


