

Free Womb Law, João Alfredo Corrêa de Oliveira, Slavery, Ministry of Business of the Empire


In this article, we seek to give visibility to the speeches made in the House of Deputies and the Senate, about the approval of the "Lei do Ventre Livre". After all, how did the enslaved population face the new situation and what measures were taken to abolish what some considered the "blackest slavery: the ignorance"? To explore this question, we analyze the debates present in the preparation, processing and approval of the Law of September 28, 1871, the so-called "Free Womb Law", based on documentation from the House of Deputies and the Senate, produced during the administration of João Alfredo Corrêa de Oliveira in the Minister of Business of the Empire (1871-1975). With this investment, we try to approach some aspects related to access to formal or informal schooling for black, enslaved, free and ingenuous people. In order to reflect on the effects of this project, we analyze the printed material that circulated at the time, such as: Gazeta da Tarde, A Instrucção Pública, Illustração Brasileira and Jornal do Commercio, in which we find important indexes regarding the debates and positions on this reform in the legislative apparatus and in public opinion. In the same way, the press has served as important elements to understand aspects and challenges of the schooling of black, enslaved and naive people in the focused period.


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Author Biographies

José Gonçalves Gondra, UERJ

José Gonçalves Gondra realizou seu mestrado em educação na Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro e doutorado em Educação na Universidade de São Paulo. Atualmente é professor adjunto de História da Educação da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, com experiência de pesquisa em história da educação escolar no império, história da profissão docente, história da infância e historiografia. Orienta trabalhos de graduação, mestrado e doutorado. É bolsista de Produtividade em Pesquisa do CNPq, pesquisador da FAPERJ, do PROCIENCIA UERJ/FAPERJ e do NEPHE/UERJ.

Ms., State University of Rio de Janeiro

Member of the Teaching and Research Nucleus in History of Education of UERJ. PhD Student Proped/UERJ. FAPERJ Scholarship.



How to Cite

Gondra, J. G., & Nascimento, F. A. (2021). "THE SUN OF FREEDOM"? THE INSTRUCTION OF SLAVES, FREEDS AND INGENUOUS (1871-1875). Educação Em Revista, 37(1). Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/edrevista/article/view/20762