
  • Carla Cristina Rodrigues City Hall of Guapé
  • Mônica de Ávila Todaro Federal University of São João del Rei
  • Cassia Beatriz Batista Federal University of São João del Rei


Medical Education; Aging; Educational gerontology; Elderly health; Active methodologies.


Brazil and the world are going through the phenomenon of population aging, which in turn requires adequate training of professionals to care for the health of the elderly in their specific aspects. This article is the result of qualitative research that investigated the curricular unit Comprehensive Care for the Health of the Elderly, given in the medical course of a Federal University in the interior of Minas Gerais. Such course has the specificity of having been organized based on the National Curricular Guidelines for Medicine Courses, published in 2014, and this document guides the use of active teaching methodologies, curricular integration and early insertion of students in services of the health network. From the observation of theoretical and practical classes, writing of a field diary and interviews with students and teachers of that discipline, we approach the discourses and educational practices in order to identify the relationships between the regulations of medical education, curricular integration, the use of the curriculum by competences and of the active methodologies in teaching health of the elderly. It is concluded that there is an effort to follow the normative documents, with the adoption of curricular integration and active methodologies. However, there is no radical break with traditional teaching as the institutional posture allows the simultaneous coexistence of traditional classes and assessments in parallel active methodologies and formative assessment. The adoption of the guidelines is questioned whereas expanding methods, without a change in the concept of education that would support such methods.


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Author Biographies

Carla Cristina Rodrigues, City Hall of Guapé

Psychologist at the City Hall of Guapé. Master in Education by UFSJ. Degree in Philosophy from UFLA. Specialist in Mental Health from PUC-MG. Psychologist at UFMG.

Mônica de Ávila Todaro, Federal University of São João del Rei

Post doctoral student at USP. PhD in Education and Master in Gerontology by UNICAMP. Leader of the research group NECCEL (Study Group: Body, Culture, Expression and Languages).

Cassia Beatriz Batista, Federal University of São João del Rei

Professor at the Department of Psychology at UFSJ. Master and PhD in Psychology. Researcher and supervisor at PPEDU / UFSJ. Member of the Center for Studies in Collective Health at UFSJ (NESC).



How to Cite

Rodrigues, C. C., de Ávila Todaro, M., & Batista, C. B. (2021). HEALTH OF THE ELDERLY : DISCOURSES AND EDUCATIONAL PRACTICES IN MEDICAL TRAINING. Educação Em Revista, 37(1), 17. Retrieved from