Retextualization: from short film to comic strip


  • Carlos Roberto Porto UFMG
  • Renata Amaral de Matos Rocha UFMG


Retextualization, Narrative, Narrative scheme


This article presents the results of the research on the practice of retextualization as a resource that favors the writing of students of the 6th year of elementary school, at school. This practice makes it possible for students to have prior contact with texts to be produced by them and provides an opportunity for their understanding of the context of producing and receiving these texts. In this study, students retextualized the short film La Luna into comic books. The proposal consisted of changing the textual genre and maintaining the narrative typology, since, in the research, we focused specifically on the apprehension of the composition of the narrative textual type by the informants, within the scope of their textual productions. For this, we adopted the theoretical socio-interactive approach, based on Bronckart (1999), Antunes (2010), Marcuschi (2008) and (Ribeiro, 2013). The results of this research show that the vast majority of students were able to structure their narrative text in a coherent way and demonstrated that they learned how to build the narrative scheme.

Keywords: Retextualization, Narrative, Narrative scheme.


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Author Biographies

Carlos Roberto Porto, UFMG

My name is Carlos Porto, I have been a teacher in the Belo Horizonte municipal network since Jul / 2013. Previously, I was a professor at the Minas Gerais state and private schools, also in BH. I work in Elementary School - Final Years and, this year, I am a teacher of the 6th and 7th years at the Municipal School Milton Campos, in the region of Venda Nova. And I am concluding the post-graduate course in Teaching Residence for the Training of Basic Education Educators, a partnership between the Belo Horizonte City Hall and the UFMG Pedagogical Center.

Renata Amaral de Matos Rocha, UFMG

Sou pesquisadora e professora de Língua Portuguesa no Centro Pedagógico da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, doutora em Estudos Linguísticos pela Faculdade de Letras da UFMG. No Centro Pedagógico, atuo na educação básica e na formação inicial e continuada de professores; me dedico à Educação de Jovens e Adultos e à formação destes sujeitos pelo viés da arte, cultura e lazer, por meio do Projeto de Extensão ‘Voos: ação cultural no Centro Pedagógico da UFMG’, e tenho me debruçado sobre os estudos de narrativas discentes e docentes. 



How to Cite

Porto, C. R., & Rocha, R. A. de M. . (2023). RETEXTUALIZATION: Retextualization: from short film to comic strip . Educação Em Revista, 39(39). Retrieved from


