

Connectivism, Activity Theory, Emergency Remote Teaching, Graduate-level Course


Due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, several educational institutions have moved towards emergency remote teaching (ERT) models with the aim of enabling the continuity of classes in a non-in-person format. Given this scenario, facilitating strategies have helped teachers plan and carry out their activities. Theories such as Connectivism and Activity Theory not only showcase how it is, indeed, possible to learn effectively in a globalized and networked world, but also assist in understanding this mode of learning. This research paper seeks to demonstrate how an analysis combining both aforementioned theories can be performed in the context of a graduate-level virtual classroom, aiming to cooperate in better understanding learning in remote and networked contexts. We relied on an adapted version of Mwanza's (2001) methodology for Activity Theory, along with an analysis aided by questionnaires answered by participants in the course, in order to verify Activity Theory's level of compatibility with Connectivism's 8 properties of effective networks. Grounded on this pair of analysis, correlations were drawn between both theory and practice in order to identify interrelationships between the two. Our findings demonstrate multiple points of contact between Activity Theory and Connectivism, as well as the relevance of both to the larger context of ERT given the positive reports regarding their contribution to the development of the course.


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Author Biographies

Augusto Weiand, IFRS Osório / UFRGS - PPGIE

He is currently a Doctoral Student in Informatics in Education (PPGIE/UFRGS), and works as a Technician in Information Technology at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul - IFRS Campus Osório. Master in Computer Science (PUCRS, 2016), Postgraduate in Information and Communication Technologies in Education (FURG, 2018), Graduated in Degree in Informatics (FACOS, 2013) and Technician in Informatics for the Internet (IFRS, 2013) . He has experience in the area of Systems Development and Integration; Data Mining; Human-Computer Interaction; Data Visualization and research projects funded with funding agencies such as CNPq and IFRS.

Leônidas Soares Pereira, PPGIE - UFRGS

He is a researcher and doctoral candidate in the Graduate Program in Informatics in Education at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (PPGIE-UFRGS). He holds a bachelor's degree in Visual Design and a master's degree in Virtual Design, both from UFRGS. His research interests include emerging virtual environments, game studies, organizational theory, and design, emotion & technology.

Patrícia da Silva Campelo Costa Barcellos, PPGIE - UFRGS

She is an adjunct professor in the area of ​​English at the Institute of Letters and a professor at the Graduate Program in Informatics in Education (PPGIE) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). She holds a Doctorate in Informatics in Education from UFRGS and a Doctorate in Applied Linguistics from the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS). During her Doctorate at UFRGS, she was a CAPES Scholar and held a Doctorate in Sandwich (PSDE-CAPES Scholarship), at the University of California, in Irvine (California, USA). She was invited professor of the Specialization course in 'Teaching Foreign Languages: Learning Contexts and Technologies' at UNISINOS, in 2015, professor at Faculdade Dom Bosco from 2011 to 2013 and professor at NELE (Nucleus for Extended Language Teaching), at UFRGS, from 2008 to 2012. In addition, she was a guest professor of the Specialization course in 'English Language Teaching and Learning' at the Ritter dos Reis University Center (UniRitter) in 2010 and 2011 and worked as a substitute professor of English at the Graduation of UFRGS from 2008 to 2010. During the Masters in Applied Linguistics at UFRGS, he worked as a CNPq scholarship holder. In the Licentiate Degree in Portuguese / English (UFRGS) she was a scientific initiation scholarship holder FAPERGS (Foundation for Research Support of the State of Rio Grande do Sul). She has experience in the field of Applied Linguistics and computerized environments in education, working mainly on the following topics: foreign language learning, sociocultural theory, collaborative dialogue and technologies applied to education.



How to Cite

Weiand, A., Soares Pereira, L., & Campelo Costa Barcellos, P. da S. (2022). ANALYSING ERT IN A GRADUATE-LEVEL COURSE FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF CONNECTIVISM AND ACTIVITY THEORY. Educação Em Revista, 38. Retrieved from


