Current chilean sociology: training, graduation and professional practice



Chile, Sociology, Higher education, Labor integration


The article analyzes the effects of enrollment expansion in the careers of sociology in Chile, in the last two decades. The main argument is that the enrollment expansion is related to the increase in the number of schools and the overcrowding of the university system, as a whole, since the 1990s. The analysis of the problem of sociology students retention, the differences by type of school and the issue of job is based on the data provided by the Ministry of Education for the period 2009-2019. This information is contrasted with historical data about the way sociology has emerged and institutionalized in Chile, starting in the late 1950s, and its later stages of professional and scientific development. After the analysis, it is possible to account for the current conditions in which are carried out the training, graduation and labor insertion processes of those who have opted for sociology careers in different universities.


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Author Biographies

Pablo Sandoval, Universidad Santo Tomás

Sociólogo, por la Universidad de Chile. Magister en Estadística Aplicada, por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina).

Experiencia en investigación y desarrollo en temas de progresión académica en instituciones de educación superior en Chile, tales como el Instituto Profesional G. Subercaseaux y Universidad Santo Tomás (actual).

Octavio Avendaño, University of Chile

Ph.D in Political Science, Sociologist.



How to Cite

Sandoval, P., & Avendano, O. (2024). Current chilean sociology: training, graduation and professional practice. Educação Em Revista, 40(40). Retrieved from


