Teacher development of a Science Education Teacher by means of teaching training programs articulation
Science Teacher Education, Teacher Professional Development, Teacher Education Public Policies.Abstract
This works sustains the hypotheses that it is essential for a teacher education process initiated in graduate level and supported by programs of teaching incentive to be continued by teacher’s participation in other long term formative contexts, in order to enable professional development. To verify that hypotheses, we have analyzed the trajectory of a Physics teacher who has completed a Professional Master, starting from her admission in Physics Teaching Program at a public University. Regarding methodology, we opted for the qualitative research tradition, using as main source of data a flexible structured interview with the teacher. Data analysis was conducted following a scheme that understands professional development as constituted by different dimensions related to teaching knowledge. Results seem to confirm our hypothesis, making evident the relevance of the continuity and articulation between initial and continuous teacher’s education programs, to favor professional development of Science teachers.
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