Prácticas epistémicas en los currículos de Ciencias Naturales de países de América Latina: estudio entre Brasil, Chile y Colombia
science education, scientific knowledge, natural sciences, Latin America.Abstract
The purpose of this study was to identify and characterize the epistemic practices regarding the production, communication and evaluation of scientific knowledge established in the official curricular proposals for teaching in Brazil, Chile and Colombia. It is a qualitative and documentary research. Curriculum documents from the Natural Sciences area of the three countries were analyzed. The documents show that there is a greater number of epistemic practices associated with the social dimension of knowledge production, followed by communication and knowledge evaluation. In Brazil, the predominant epistemic practices are problematizing, concluding, and using representational language. In Chile, planning the research, articulating observations to the concepts and presenting their own ideas prevail. In Colombia, the use of representational language predominates. We consider that the curricular orientations present in the normative documents present implications for the training of students in what refers to scientific training.
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