Science education as state control: the case of Nazi Germany





curriculum, Science Teaching, Nazism, educational control, Bakhtin


In this work, we identify some educational changes promoted by the German government before World War II. Such changes objectified modifying the existing culture, establishing a unified worldview based on Nazi principles declared even before the National Socialist Party achieved the government. The research carried out is qualitative, have a historical and linguistic nature and seeks to recover the typical enunciative forms expressed in the educational materials circulating in the prewar Nazism period. Resulting from the investigation, we identified that science education was transformed into an education to war. The Science contents were taught contextualized at war and anti-Semitic propaganda. In addition, there were curricular changes such as the increase of the number of hours of physical training disciplines and the split of the curriculum in men and women’s curricula. Teaching exercises are presented to exemplify how the political sphere determined ways of thinking science and its teaching.


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2021-02-03 — Updated on 2021-04-03

