Critical Race Theory

History and perspectives in science education for racial and ethnic relations




Critical Race Theory, Science education, Physics Education Research


This paper engages with the manuscript "Education for ethnic-racial relations: an essay on subalternized alterities in the physical sciences" (Alves-Brito & Alho, 2022). The authors use Critical Race Theory (CRT) as part of their framework to discuss science education and dissemination in a decolonial and antiracist perspective. In this paper, the goal is to expand the discussion on CRT and present its possibilities for transformations in science education. The dialogue begins with the history of CRT and examines its set of basic tenets, including: the social construction of race, the normality of racism, interest convergence, differential racialization, intersectionality, and recognition of the voices of People of Color. Finally, this paper points to connections between conservative extreme-right groups, CRT, and scientific education for ethnic-racial relations.


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