Tendências de inclusão social no Plano Nacional de Turismo 2007/2010: uma interpretação preliminar
uma interpretação preliminar
Tourism, Social Inclusion, Public Policy and the National Plan for Tourism 2007-2010Abstract
The social inclusion thematic has been, progressively, incorporated in the formal texts of tourism public policies and those of connected with international agencies, such as the World Tourism Organization. In 2007, the Ministry of Tourism leaded, in Brazil, the National Plan for Tourism 2007/2010 - “A Journey of Inclusion”, which emphasized the potential of tourism for employment and income generation, natural resources conservation, cultural strengthening and the improving of the living conditions of populations in touristic places. But in what measure these the intention of these formal texts are internalized in tourism planning strategies? In an attempt to contribute to this reflection, this article discusses how the theme of social inclusion is expressed in the National Plan of Tourism 2007-2010. This analysis was based on a theoretical guideline from a literature review, that in turn allowed the identification of some key parameters for the interpretation of tourism as a potential alternative of social inclusion. Although it is clear the strengthening of the social inclusion approach in this public policy compared to previous ones, the proposal of touristic planning, emphasized by PNT 2007/2010, is still mainly guided by the economic logic of the market.
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