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Análise multitemporal dos estágios de desenvolvimento da atividade turística e das mudanças no uso e ocupação do solo do distrito de Monte Verde (MG)


  • Laura M. G. Salles Bachi Mestrado em Análise e Modelagem de Sistemas Ambientais - IGC/UFMG
  • Marcos Antonio Timbó Elmiro Prof Adjunto Departamento de Cartografia - IGC/UFMG



Model of Tourist Destinations life cycle, land use and occupation, Monte Verde, Remote Sensing


The tourism activity has notable impacts from the social, environmental and spatial point of view. The stages of its development can be identified from the Life Cycle Model, proposed by Butler in 1980, and better visualized on the territory when using Remote Sensing methods in the analysis of changes in land use and occupation. Based on this premise, the objective is to associate the analysis of the stages of tourism development with the land cover and use patterns in the Monte Verde district, especially in Vila Monte Verde, belonging to the municipality of Camanducaia, located in the southern region of the state of Minas Gerais. The results show the accelerated growth of the urban area where the lodging equipment and other elements of the tourist structure are concentrated, demonstrating that the territory of Monte Verde is in the development stage, but with indications of the stage of consolidation of the tourist activity.


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How to Cite

Bachi, L. M. G. S., & Elmiro, M. A. T. (2017). Análise multitemporal dos estágios de desenvolvimento da atividade turística e das mudanças no uso e ocupação do solo do distrito de Monte Verde (MG). Revista Geografias, 12(2), 72–88.




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