Análise do uso e ocupação do solo nas APP de curso d’água da bacia do córrego Marinheiro por meio de NDVI aplicado em imagens Landsat 8 e Ikonos-II


  • Hugo Henrique Cardoso de Salis mestrado em Análise e Modelagem de Sistemas Ambientais - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
  • Adriana Monteiro da Costa Profª. Adjunta do Departamento de Geografia - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
  • João Herbert Moreira Viana EMBRAPA - Pesquisador



Watersheds, Geographic Information Systems, satellite images


The aim of this study was to characterize and to diagnose the conflicts of use and occupation in the stream’s border Permanent Preservation Areas (PPA) in the Marinheiro watershed, Sete Lagoas, Minas Gerais, comparing the results obtained by the NDVI calculation from Landsat 8 and Ikonos-II satellite’s imagery. The method was developed in six main stages, namely: i) pre-processing of the images; ii) NDVI calculation; iii) drainage network retrieval; iv) Calculation of NDVI classes for the Permanent Preservation Areas (PPA); and v) characterization and analysis of PPA; and vi) Validation in the field. The results show the presence of five classes of NDVI. It was concluded that: (1) the PPA of stream’s border senescent vegetation was the predominant class according to the calculations made with the images of the Landsat 8 (51.6%); in the images of Ikonos-II satellite the prevalence was of the “Pastures” class (51.2%); (2) by the NDVI classification of Ikonos-II images, there was a good accuracy and better results, compared to the Landsat 8 satellite, mainly due to the better spatial resolution of multispectral images, 4 meters.


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How to Cite

Salis, H. H. C. de, Costa, A. M. da, & Viana, J. H. M. (2017). Análise do uso e ocupação do solo nas APP de curso d’água da bacia do córrego Marinheiro por meio de NDVI aplicado em imagens Landsat 8 e Ikonos-II. Revista Geografias, 40–53.

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