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Vol. 6 No. 1 (2020): Revista Indisciplinar

The porosity of the new regularization mechanisms: the territorialization of the habitation in Ribeirão Preto

November 13, 2020
2020-10-23 — Updated on 2020-10-23


This article has as its hypothesis the idea that making access to housing and land in Brazil in a historical perspective goes through a transgressive and collective illegalism, tensioned by the State, the interests of the market and other agents. From the analysis of the concept “adventure of words” — in the sense of revealing some of the porosities that exist among housing issues and, above all, the Urban Land Regularization — this work seeks to build an understanding that aims to confront the institutionalized tensions by the State, its articulators and their possible resonances on the territory. To this end, it delimits an overview of public housing policies and the formation of a popular imaginary related to the “dream of owning a home” and the right to housing by the potential impacts of the new Law n. 13,865 / August 8, 2019. The established rule does not require the “Habite-se”, a technical instrument that measures the minimum and adequate habitability for housing regularization, among other conditions, in an area occupied predominantly by low-income population. Thus, we present a case study in the municipality of Ribeirão Preto (SP), the headquarters city of the metropolitan region in inland São Paulo, through a survey of its territorial constitution.


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