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Vol. 6 No. 2 (2020): Revista Indisciplinar

For an ethics for space in times of crisis

January 15, 2021
2020-12-31 — Updated on 2021-06-09


Utopias and dystopias are literary genres, followed by others, which establish expressive relationships and offer meaning and form to the topological space of Nature. These relationships occur through the coordination of coordinations between the human beings’ actions of “talking about”, “thrilling about” and “imagining”. These co-implicated human actions also create the virtual and/or cyber spaces, which historically accumulate themselves in a co-existentent way of multiple meanings, transforming the present in a complexity time. In this moment, these spaces present imminent danger for living and non-living beings and the eikonomia administration, through art and economics, do not offer a viable solution to the maintenance of life. Here, an ethical walk is proposed.


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  7. MATURANA, Humberto; MPODOZIS, Jorge. Perception: behavioral configuration of the object. Arch. Biol. Med. Exp.(Santiago) 20 (3-4), p. 319-324, 1987.
  8. MONDZAIN, Marie-José. Imagem, Ícone, Economia. As fontes bizantinas do imaginário contemporâneo. Rio de Janeiro: Contraponto; Museu de Arte do Rio, 2013.
  9. MUCARZEL ROSA, Lucas Leonardo. A Imagem Exu na Cidade. Fotografia e urbanismo: imagens sobreviventes no Centro Antigo de Salvador. Salvador: Tese defendida, PPGAU/UFBA, 2018.
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