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Vol. 5 No. 2 (2019): Revista Indisciplinar

Urban activism: the Building of a Community Garden in Ritápolis - MG

March 5, 2021


According to Dardot and Laval (2016), neoliberalism is a world reason and, as such, phagocytes much of the resistance experiences that have developed over the last few years. Therefore, this paper aims to discuss an activist experience held in the city of Ritápolis in 2015 involving several agents: (i) students and professors of the Architecture and Urbanism course at the Federal University of São João del Rei (UFSJ); (ii) students of architecture and urbanism from various parts of Brazil; (iii) the local community; (iv) Ritápolis government and (v) a partnership with the German experience through an exchange student. It is, then, an experience report that counts with a later analysis tending to the transscalarity. That is, an experience performed locally is now being analyzed not only for its local character, but also for a global reading. The construction of the project to be analyzed involved different instances, promoting a debate about the professional performance of architecture, the State, the University and the extension program. This is because the work began to be done throughout the course The Municipality and Rio, taught in the course of Architecture and Urbanism at UFSJ by the author of this article, and later became an extension project and was part of the process developed during the Meeting. Regional Student Architecture (EREA). The community has appropriated the results and this is still in vogue.


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