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Vol. 5 No. 2 (2019): Revista Indisciplinar

Invisible Barcelona, libertarian tradition in the urban space

March 9, 2021
2021-03-09 — Updated on 2019-12-01


The aim of this article is to analyze the legacy of the anarchist and libertarian culture in Barcelona in the 21st century. It will briefly debate the beginnings of the "rebel Barcelona" and the establishment of a secular anarchosyndicalism order as well as the origins of the rationalist thinking present in the city since the 19th century. The Republican project appropriated and reinterpreted the urban space through CNT’s presence in the streets, the barricades, "direct actions" and "affinities networks" in the neighborhoods of Barcelona itself. The manner which the city currently lives its anarchist past are also covered in this article, as well as new manifestations of the libertarian culture.


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