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Vol. 3 No. 4 (2017): Revista Indisciplinar

Living Concrete: another view on the people’s right to the city

March 26, 2021


This research brings to light the tensions between place of speech, performance and testimonial contents from the notion of midiatic bios (SODRÉ,
2002) to investigate the construction of another speech that is neither public nor private, free or institutional, but of affection, access and visibility
as in the lefebvrian fight for the right to the city. As a case study, the artistic intervention proposition of the Portuguese Alexandre Farto (Vhils) at the Morro
da Providência, in the central region of the city of Rio de Janeiro, in the months of September and October/2012. Brazil’s oldest favela, that today suffers
with systematic expropriations of the lower classes and mischaracterization of historic-cultural heritage in favor of revitalization developments of Porto
Maravilha, in the shadow of the sports mega-events, makes itself a flagship expression of the impacts generated by the impacts of the spectacle urbanism
strategies (MARICATO, 2015) on developing countries. The artist uses his vandalism aesthetics to blow open gentrification processes and elitist and exclusionary public policies that cross a corporative city project (VAINER, 2013). An appropriation that, unbeknownst to the capital, gently nurtures scenarios in common states of degradation with values sensible to the human faculties; a legitimating manifest of identity that evokes, in the beauty of the living concrete (GUATTARI, 1992), cities for citizens.


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