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Vol. 2 No. 2 (2016): Revista Indisciplinar

Em Breve Aqui - Between Maps and Tracings: the Cartography as Undisciplined Research Method

March 31, 2021
2016-12-01 — Updated on 2016-12-01


This article examines the experience of the project Em Breve Aqui (EBA) as part of the work developed by Research Group Indisciplinar, based in the School of Architecture of the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Em Breve Aqui (EBA) is a collaborative digital platform that served as a basis for survey and registration of urban voids in Belo Horizonte. The mapping, carried out collectively, received contribution from several colaborators starting in the second semester of 2014. We intend here to critically analyze the last two years of the project, covering the cartographic method as a process of research and activism; the conceptual discussions about the voids and the production of urban space that mapping raised, and mainly the positive resistance processes constituted in networks starting from its constitution.


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