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Vol. 4 No. 1 (2018): Revista Indisciplinar

University, Tecnopolitics and Singularities

March 31, 2021


The article approaches the technopolitics from the forces in conflict in the sociopolitical field and their reverberations in the university and in the daily experience of the city space. Initially we discuss the engagement of the fields of knowledge and practices with the dominant forces of the social field. The
connections between the field of urbanism, the new scopes of action created by it, and its operability for the demands of control of space by capital in its fronts of ever-expanding economic and subjective exploitation are unfolded. Then, the article approaches technopolitics as the possibility of another policy of relations in the field of experience and the production of space in cities. The article proposes an approach to technopolitics based on the unfolding of the notion of singularity. An ethics of meetings that dispenses with dominant modeling is discussed and opens up to deviations, unresolved conflicts, irruptions and disagreements, allowing the production of other subjectivities capable of activating co-creative and expanded capacity, recreating the fields of force, and action outside the privileged domains of its production that tend to reproduce the slogans of guided participation, academic endogenism and the interests of marketing and business production.


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