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Vol. 5 No. 2 (2019): Revista Indisciplinar

From the Retake of the Land to the Invention of the Territory: the Beginning of Naõ Xohã Indigenous Land

April 1, 2021


This work is the result of an ongoing research on the socio-spatial practices of an indigenous group in the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte (RMBH), Minas Gerais, focusing on the recent process of land occupation/retake and the newly created Naô Xohã territory in São Joaquim de Bicas, in October 2017. The research has used as sources visits to the place, informal conversations, interviews and map production of the occupied territory. We have sought to understand how indigenous people produce their spaces by tracing a history of their trajectories, mapping their kinship relationships and understanding their strategies for survival outside demarcated indigenous land. The work also reports the influences of other agents in the context of Naô Xohã, such as FUNAI, the NGO Teto, which built five temporary housing for the village and, finally, the mining company VALE, that had a strong influence on the production of the space due to the breach of the dam of the Córrego do Feijão mine, operated by the company, which devastated the Paraopeba River, which runs along the banks of the land where the indigenous people settled.


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