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Vol. 5 No. 2 (2019): Revista Indisciplinar

A territory museum for Bento Rodrigues

April 1, 2021
2019-12-01 — Updated on 2019-12-01


The breaking of the Fundão dam in Mariana, Minas Gerais, devastated the subdistrict of Bento Rodrigues. As over 80% of the constructions were destroyed, the 300-year village was evacuated and its population was scattered at their temporary reallocation in the municipality seat, compromising their neighborhood ties, social identity and cultural references. Right after the disaster, the territory was fenced, its access was controlled and the mining company autocratically built new dikes, causing the flooding of private properties, despite protests by the community. It can be noticed from the work undertaken with the affected population that, contrary to what the company and State have imposed, they wish to resume full use of its territory in compliance with current law and implementing a Territory Museum there, which could serve as a “site of consciousness”. Therefore, this paper discusses the concept of “territory museum”, a proposition that accompanies profound changes in the field of social sciences and the broadening of the heritage concept. A Territory Museum aims at community development and preservation of its material and immaterial heritage by promoting continuous community engagement, from the perspective of an ongoing increase in heritage, cultural and identity values. In this regard, the proposal of the residents to transform the territory of Bento Rodrigues into a museum, which exposes the usual mining industry operations in Brazil and its impacts, is both a form of resistance that stiffens their fight for rights, and can help in the process of community recovery after the disaster.


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