At the beginning of 2016, the year FAU Social was founded, the Square Design, in the community of Jardim Jaqueline, proved to be challenging for its members. With a Project Group composed by first-year to graduated students, it was an incredible experience and the knowledge acquired by the practical work greatly enriched the formation of all of us. The initial objective was to review the project carried out by an extension group composed by the students Daniel Collaço and William Valerio, under the guidance of Profa. Dr. Karina Leitão and to propose ways of executing it, after passing through the riddle of the community and its leaders Nívia and Bete, in assembly. Living areas, sport court, theater, gym equipments, playground and community vegetable garden were uses that outlined the program of the square. The Project Group’s desire, from the beginning, was to bring the community closer to the square before the construction started. Therefore, we decided to take another moment of approach, aligning the last demands of the community. Then send the project’s final version to the department of Projects and Works of the Municipality of Sao Paulo. Thus, a breakfast was made in the area of the square, with the presence of community stakeholders and many children, who had the first contact with the square. Everyone could give their suggestions and criticisms, showing the pride of a people who struggle to live in dignity.