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Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015): Revista Indisciplinar

Viaduto santa tereza e o levante dos corpos indisciplinados

April 1, 2021


The city today has a central part in the process of controlling the bodies through the action of biopower. However, it is also the focus of multitudinous and biopotent attitudes that emerge from social movements. In this sense, it is correct to say that the city is being disputed. This text discusses a case relating to this process: the Santa Tereza Overpass, in Belo Horizonte. The overpass is a place of diverse cultural expressions of street and space political discussion, but also suffers from control strategies proposed by the state and capital. This text highlights the importance of indisciplined bodies in the production of the common city space. This paper aims at building a reading of the dispute for the control of the city between biopower and the indiscipline (biopotency) that surge against these heteronomies. The uprising of the undisciplined bodies is the objectively expressed form of latent potency of the multitude (which is essentially disobedient, or, in foucaultian terms, indocile) that operates in the opposite direction of the control of docile bodies.


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