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Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015): Revista Indisciplinar

Velocidade & intensificações: percepções de um urbano instantâneo

April 5, 2021
2015-10-05 — Updated on 2021-07-01


This paper presents an idea of speed perceived in the urban environment conditioned by high-speed transportation systems. High-speed transportation systems approach and converge information and communication technologies with transportation systems (highways, airline routes, railways, etc.) intensifying urban processes that begin to occur instantly. These high-speed transportation systems show us that all information and communication technologies do have a specific location and its processes are transforming the contemporary city. Thus, we found that this increased speed and intensification of urban process tend to immediacy, or the instantaneous realization of events that weakens the resistance of the space. To urbanism today, the instant is a space condition.


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